Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice (Part 1)

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. (James 1:7-8, NIV)

I read on this blog (I believe) some time ago that, “Worship is not a 20-minute session on Sunday but a lifestyle”. Indeed, those words could not be truer. It sometimes sounds like the new ‘in word’ pouring out from pulpits but the crux of the matter is how we can relate this to us and our daily lives; after all, it is a ‘lifestyle’ so it must pertain to daily living and our walk with God. Not just during devotional time but by the minute, by the hour. So I will come today from one angle of our worship lifestyle – Obedience! 

Have you ever been in a valley of decision over situations in your life? Small to big things, ranging from questions like, “Lord, should I go out on my day off or rest in” to “Lord, should I confront a situation with my teenage child?” I tell you my experience.

In my walk with God, over and over again I would run to Him to help my thinking process and help me with some decisions, I would hear clearly in my spirit or through scripture, or through a song, or through others, or a check in my spirit what God is saying about that situation. I hear first time and it usually it is clear. But what do I do? I start to ‘second guess’ what I heard, seeking others’ opinions, rationalize instructive words from God and finally I end up in confusion with too many voices in my head (including mine) on a matter and no way forward L The outcome usually is to have a diluted version of what God had initially said to me to do. I know deep in my soul that this is wrong, but what do I do? I rationalize again!! I say to myself, “This is how God wanted it.” I may even quote scripture to justify my actions like say, “Oh, in a multitude of counsel there is safety.’’ I have even deceived myself once to say God changed His mind or revised the instruction. What a laugh!

But seriously….my turning point came one day when I read the scripture above, it hit me like a brick to my head, at first I was upset and said, “Noooo, I am not double minded.” I mean, who would want to be double minded or called unstable? No one! Certainly not me. I love God, serve Him, worship Him deeply, after all I hear from God… after bouts of self- justification, self-denial and delusion, I went back to God in prayer and He began to show and teach me things that have eventually become one of my many life lessons from God Himself:

– Indeed when you ask Me and My opinion, it is because you trust Me as a Father and know I have your best interest at heart always. However when you refuse to act immediately, delay and start to doubt or rationalize, you are saying to me that I do not know what I am doing. Again I learnt from another man of God say, ‘’Delay is the craftiest net of Satan”. If he can get you to delay and procrastinate, he can begin to dilute and eventually pervert what you think you heard God say.

– Your obedience and trust that My way is the best way is an act of worship, where My voice and My words take unrivaled place in your life and you can discern when anyone is leading you out of My will concerning a situation. Be careful about listening to others concerning what I have told you. I do not change My mind or My words. Drown out the voices and many advisers, who may mean well but do not know the end of a matter from the beginning. I do.

– Obey me the first time follow my instruction immediately. Obedience is doing it the first time. Do what I tell you to the way I tell you to and you will get the best results. Accuracy in obedience is key. You receive nothing from me in the end because of your self-induced confusion. Like I heard a woman of God once say, “Do God’s will God’s way and get God’s results…not half baked or no results.”

Do we want half-baked results? Or no results at all?

This may not be for everyone, but I pray that those who need this get the message. It is true.
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. (James 1:7-8, NIV)

Written by Bee
Be Your Best Self for God series