Alabaster Box 2019

And so it has come to pass….another edition of Alabaster Box. The Lord truly visited and loved on us and we in turn poured our love on Him. It was incredible how the atmosphere just ‘broke’ as we sang the bridge of ‘Reckless Love’ (which we sang as ‘Relentless Love’) – “There’s no shadow You won’t light up, mountain You won’t climb up coming after me; no wall You won’t kick down, lie You won’t tear down coming after me…”

​Here are some testimonies from the participants and photos from the meeting, as well as our responses to feedback received anonymously and also feedback that seems to be common to several participants:


~ It was so amazing; words can’t even explain it. I felt truly forgiven and embraced by God.
~ Alabaster Box ’19 was an awesome experience. I had a heart-pouring encounter at the feet of Christ; poured out my heart to God and the burdens of my heart rolled away. My past has been weighing me down despite my rededication to Christ but now I’m free, free to life my hands, free to say AMEN.
~ My experience was transforming, healing and rejuvenating. I’m so glad I came. I’m reminded that God still loves me. I used to know but today, I was reminded with an intensity especially during the ministration of songs by Gloryyah and the other Ma’am [Bunmi Bade-Adeniji]. I love the song, “Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God….”
~ It was an awesome experience in God’s presence especially the worship session. This programme is a great reminder that God’s love for me is inexhaustible.
~ The programme was reflective and makes me appreciate the love of Christ more. Thanks so much.
~ Awesome and not disappointed at all with my expectations the moment I first saw the post and decided I was going to come. God had to move huge mountains for me to be here at the ‘last minute’. I know for real He brought me here to perfect my healing and wholeness. So touched and blessed by the ‘realness’ of it all.
~ I felt peace and stillness.
~ Wonderful, unusual, inspirational and a blessing as usual.
~ This is a very wonderful experience! My clouds are behind me now. I have and live a new life. Glory!
~ I experienced the raw power of God like never before and I strongly believe His touch upon my life.
​~ The vision is specific to pour out one’s heart and get healed by the Holy Spirit. It is an awesome experience.
~ Awesome worship environment. I am so blessed.
~ Thank God for the real women who came out plain to talk about their past. The worship was awesome, all glory to God.
~ It’s actually my first but the feeling is indescribable; a lot learnt where women come together to worship God. It was really a nice time at the feet of Jesus. Don’t intend to miss any more.
~ A program that is used to order my steps back to God. I have roamed about for sometime now due to unexpected challenges. I am blessed and no regret of being a partaker of Alabaster Box 2019.
~ It was awesome. I felt His presence.
~ It was exhilarating and insightful.
​~ I’m inspired by everything – worship, words and uplifting words of courage. I would like to worship more here. 
~ You got the right speakers that spoke to my situation. I am so blessed to be here!
~ It was a really refreshing time for me as I had lots on my mind. This is my 3rd and I bless God I made it and looking forward to more and more that God would do.
~ It’s been refreshing and exciting. We’ve also heard wonderful testimonies from the women that has solidified my resolve to seek God and walk with Him. I’m looking forward to another Alabaster Box meeting with wonderful sisters who come to share liberating testimonies.
~ I appreciate God and the organisers of this program because each time I come, I always go back home refreshed and renewed. I let go of all pains. I love Jesus.
~ I came so late but it was just so worth it. The last hour I met showed me that I missed so much BUT I received God’s love like I hadn’t before.
~ With the little time I arrived the programme, I must commend it. The programme was awesome and Spirit-filled, and I thank God for rededicating my life to Christ. I know I am weak but He made me strong.
~ I thank God for His overwhelming love in our midst. His presence was so real, His warmth and His hug with His word of love.
~ “Awesome!” is not enough to describe my experience here. I’m happy I am leaving here broken and I also feel lucky because I hear this is an annual programme.
~ Impactful, timely and working His work. It will indeed be a turning point for many as we have been unveiled and unmasked. Glory to God.


“More publicity needs to be done.”
We utilise the social media platforms, including paying for FB Adverts. We haven’t tried the sponsored ads on Instagram and will consider this. We are open to advertise using radio jingles, as somebody suggested, if those who think this is the way to go would sponsor such means of advertisement. The meeting is funded by individuals who believe in it and give towards it. We always send out emails to our past participants ahead of each upcoming meeting, so you can start now to save towards supporting Alabaster Box 2020 and if you want to specifically finance a radio jingle, we won’t say no.
Most importantly, if past attendees take it upon themselves to publicize the upcoming meetings on all their social media platforms and by word-of-mouth as people who are inviting others based on your on personal experiences at the meetings, the impact would be far greater than what we are getting when it’s mostly the ministry reaching out. If you see value in our meetings, the least you could do is commit to invite others for future meetings.

“You can invite a preacher to preach and worship.”
Alabaster Box meetings are not church services. The core of our meetings is real women sharing real stories but if you listen carefully, you will realise that embedded in their stories are messages from God (which essentially is what you get from a preacher). We have worship already, worship being at the heart of all we do as a worship ministry.

“Let the early bird gifts be the same for all early birds.”
That would be unfair as all early birds don’t arrive at the same time. It is only fair that the earlier birds get to select their gifts before the others and that the earlier you are, the ‘nicer’ your gift is. The other thing is that different people prefer different items, so having a choice is a good thing. 

“How I wish the programme will hold twice a year and gifts for all participants but special ones for the first five comers.”
It costs a lot (a little over half a million Naira) to host this meeting and is always such a huge step of faith for us each year but if we had instructions for the Lord to hold it twice, we would know there is provision for that. Right now, the instruction has remained once a year and it’s all His work, so we must do exactly as He instructs.
Despite the huge cost to host the meeting, participants don’t pay a kobo and are fed lunch, too. I would think the content of the meeting is gift enough. The early bird gifts were started simply to encourage punctuality as a discipline that is pleasing to God and even these are not compulsory.

“The praise and worship session should be all engaging. Participation should be across the auditorium, not just on the stage.”
I’m afraid I didn’t understand this feedback. I know that there were songs sung which would have been new to the participants, but we purposely go over the choruses again and again so people can catch on. There was however at least one popular song and the ladies in the auditorium seemed to engage, as a lot of their testimonies seem to portray.