Alabaster Box 2022

It has come to pass – Alabaster Box 2022. We had a lot of anticipation because Covid had denied us the opportunity to gather for 2 years.

We’re thankful to God for a wonderful time in His presence. Hearing the things our guest speaker had been through and learning from her own lessons learned was very impactful for us all.

We’ll share some of the feedback we got from the ladies who were a part of the meeting.

Words are not enough. I wasn’t sure what to expect. My prayers were answered and I am real grateful. My life’s testimony is going to be anchored on today’s meeting. It really is a different level of my walk.
Chigozie Ubah

I am so glad I attended the conference. It was an insightful adn unburdening time and I was really blessed by the music ministration. It was an awesome moment.

A simple but profound experience that affirmed some things/questions/challenges I have been seeking God about. Thank you!

Now I can go and rest in the peace of God.
Taye – Posible

Sincerely, it was a beautiful, awesome and wonderful experience…. Above all, I was blessed and fulfilled.

I was truly blessed. The meeting answered a lot of my questions.

It was wonderful. It might have always been a known fact that we as Christians need to stay prayed up; fill up our prayer tank but our sister, Mama Chinyere, has reminded me of this fact and I’m definitely going to start filling up my prayer tank. Her testimony is so relatable. God bless her and the whole ATMF team.
Chinyere Okonkwo

This is a life-changing experience. It is a blessing packed in simplicity.

I learnt that forgiveness entails mirroring the lifestyle of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also learnt that we are to behave to others the way we want God to behave toward us no matter the situation or circumstances we find ourselves in. I learnt that is not easy, yet not impossible. We just need to give it a try.
Mercy Anthony

Hmmm…..My experience in this meeting was quite good ’cause the teachings and talks were impactive and I learnt a lot of overcoming pain and shame. I am assured that I can overcome the both of them through Christ who strengthens me.
Ohioze Divine Love