My Experience at Alabaster Box 2015

For someone who has had a lot to ‘wrestle’ with in life, this year’s Alabaster Box was indeed put together for me.

My name is Olubunmi and I’d like to share with you how my life was positively impacted at “Alabaster Box 2015 – Connecting the dots”.

We started out by spending time with the Master Himself (God) as we honored Him through the words of the songs we sang in praise and worship to Him. This created an atmosphere of expectancy as we were convinced  that Jesus had indeed come to fellowship with us.

Having been a part of “At The Master’s Feet”(the ministry) over the years, I’ve learnt that there’s no better Surgeon than Jesus Himself; who is able to reach into the human heart and deal with matters of the heart – unforgiveness, pain, abuse, inferiority complex, broken hearts, and so on.

I guess the reason for this is found in Hebrews4:13.”Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but ALL THINGS are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” KJV (emphasis mine).

And so the ‘Dots’ were brought into sharp focus by all the speakers especially by our brother Olakunle who helped paint a vivid picture of how our lives are formed (made or marred) from birth till present time.

But the good news we learnt is that at the feet of Jesus, we can always make a new start and as the first speaker Mrs Yinka Enahoro led us to do, we can ‘tear it all up’ and have a fresh start in God, Halleluyah!!!

The choir sang songs that pointed us back to the Saviour and I’m glad to say that I look forward to Alabaster Box 2016 because it can only get better!!

~ Bunmi ‘Priceless’ Bade-Adeniji