I’ll just say yes (Brian Courtney Wilson)


I’ll just say yes
You lead the way
I’m not afraid of what it means for me to say
This life You gave
Is not my own
I’m trusting You to hear my “Yes” and lead me on

Yes, Lord
Yes, Lord
My life is Yours
And there is peace when I say yes
I might not see it now
But You save the best
For all who trust You and obey
There is an answer…no more delay
I’ll just say yes

Our thoughts

So much of the outworking of our faith as Christians is a result of our surrender to the leadership….the lordship of Christ.  Our role as worshippers is to surrender to His will and He then works out His will in and through us. We don’t have to understand why He wants us to act or react a certain way, we just have to obey in trust. Truly, there is a peace that comes when we’re in that place of trust and obedience because we’ve acknowledged we’re not in charge and we are resting in the One who is. We have come to the realisation that our lives are no longer ours because He paid for our redemption with His blood. We are His now and must live for HIS glory and HIS pleasure. When He speaks to us through His Word or in our heart, our answer should be YES