Have it all (Brian Johnson)


You can have it all, Lord
Every part of my world
Take this life and breathe on
This heart that is now Yours.
[Verse 1]
Oh the joy I’ve found
Surrendering my crowns
At the feet of the King
Who surrendered everything.

[Verse 2]
Oh the peace that comes
When I’m broken and undone
By Your unfailing grace
I can lift my voice and say.

There is no greater call
Than giving You my all
I lay it all down (2x)
There is no greater love
No higher name above
I lay it all down (2x)

Our Thoughts

God desires our total surrender to Him. There’s no area of our life that He is not interested in and doesn’t want a say in how we run it. If He was a man, that would be scary because all human beings are intrinsically selfish but He is God – a good God, whose thoughts/plans for us are of good:
“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” (Jeremiah 29:11, AMPC)

The truth is that true fulfilment, peace and joy come when we are surrendered to God – to His will, His purposes and plans in and through us. I believe that when Jesus said we should carry our cross daily in order to follow Him, He was referring to our surrendering of our selfish desires and taking up His pure desires daily. We need to surrender daily because our flesh fights hard against the rulership of His Spirit in our lives.

​Surrender we will because our hearts are now His.